Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mythic Musings 3 : Various Variations on Variations: Connecting the second half of Mythic GM Emulator 2e to supporting magazine articles.

I clearly have a bias. I really like the Mythic GM Emulator system, and the magazine that comes out every month to support it. I am a member of the Patreon. I participate in its Discord channel.

Now, let me be absolutely clear on one matter. You don't need ANY book or supplement to jump in and enjoy the hobby of soloing your RPGs. In fact, if you dial back in this blog to my May the 6th article, you will find a home made GM Emulator that took me only a couple hours to put together. 

With that said, there is a lot of fun in breaking into a solo game play community, such as can be found in the Mythic Discord. There you find a brisk trading of ideas, inspirations and techniques people have used to enrich their own games. 

I suggest you jump in with both feet and pick up Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition ($14.95 in pdf). The front half of that book will have materials that will keep you happily playing for weeks. 

The second half of that book is what I want to talk about today: Variations. In this section will find a rich diversity of essays about such diverse topics as setting up your solo adventures (pg. 123), to keeping a game focused using a progress track (pg. 132), to using Mythic to play premade adventures (pg. 156). 

None of the discussion topics above are strictly necessary for play, but they turn the Mythic System into a kaleidoscope of option. 

Many of these variations were introduced through the Mythic Magazine, and the articles which introduced them have slight variations on the themes and their own examples of its use. Additionally there are bits of articles that have similar flavors that can complement the Variations.

So below I will link you to blog articles keyed to each Variation from MGME2 that will include the magazine articles that were its inspiration, were in turn inspired by a Variation, or have a natural relationship if no direct connection.

Naturally, these articles will be living documents as more articles further enrich the base game. I hope it will be of use to some potential gamer, who perhaps needs a bit of a life raft in the sea of options.


Variation 1: Getting Prepared for Solo Adventure

Variation 2: Determining NPC Statistics

Variation 3: Getting the Most out of Sourcebooks

Variation 4: The Thread Progress Track

Variation 5: Diversifying Threads

Variation 6: Resolving Character Vs. Player Knowledge

Variation 7: Conclusive Adventure Conclusions

Variation 8: Chose Your Chaos Flavor

Variation 9: What is "A Session" in Solo Play

Variation 10: Control Your Adventure with Keyed Scenes

Variation 11: Using Mythic with Prepared Adventures

Variation 12: Handling Complicated Campaigns

Variation 13: Peril Points

Variation 14: Using Adventure Crafter With Mythic

Though this is finished for now, I plan to revisit this blog post and its related links regularly to update as new information or insights come forward.



  1. I agree, the Mythic book, magazine and community are so great. Your initiative here really helps to organise and highlight the variations. Great job!!

  2. Thank you. It really is a pleasure to be working on the project. I glad it helps people.
