Monday, September 16, 2024

Variation 3: Getting the Most out of Source Books

Getting the Most out of Source Books (MGME2 pgs. 128 - 131)

The gist of this section is about seeing all the potential source books can offer. It encourages the reader to view take a wide view on what can be a source book in a solo game, from actual game manuals, to non gaming books you find inspirational due to descriptions, setting, or imagery. 

After an introduction on how wide the topic can be in zooms in on specific uses. These include world building, use as a tool in determining what to play (by randomly selecting from your available inspirational materials, as if your whole library were a description table), then tips on using whole books as inspirational tables. 

This was one of the ideas that has a direct link to an article in Mythic Magazine (MM), but the use of pre-published information can be found in several article referred to below. 

  • “Getting The Most Out Of Sourcebooks”
    • MM Vol. 12, pg. 3
  • “Turn Any Show, Movie, Or Book Into A Solo Adventure”
    • MM Vol. 20, pg. 17
  • "RPGs As Inspiration For Mythic Adventures”
    • MM Vol. 35, pg. 3

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