Thursday, October 17, 2024

Variation 8: Choose Your Chaos Flavor

Choose Your Chaos Flavor (MGME2 pgs. 147 - 148)

One of the most unique factors of the Mythic GM Emulator is the Chaos Factor, which can boost or reduce the amount of randomness in a game. The theme of this Variation is how to tone down the Chaos factor for a more middle of the road game. 

There are several articles that discuss modifying the Chaos Factor. Each one serves a different game purposes.

  • “Mythic And Crafter House Rules”
    • MM Vol. 16, pg. 19
    • Check out the mini essays,  "Roll For The Expected Scene Later" and " Timing A Delayed  Chaos Factor Roll"
  • “Scene Treatments”
    • MM Vol. 26, pg. 23
    • One scene treatment option is "Flip the Chaos Factor". This radically alters the Chaos Factor to either calm or excite the game.
  • “Giving Mythic A Personality”
    • MM Vol. 27, pg. 
    • "Yell at the Umpire", suggest ways to keep the game from going gonzo, by regularly stabilizing the Chaos Factor.
  • “Fluid Scene Structure”
    • MM Vol. 34, pg. 10
    • This article covers a no pause scene structure and suggest events that could fluidly happen that could effect the Chaos Factor "mid-scene". The rules for this are found in "Handling the Chaos Factor" on pg. 16

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