If you just bumped into this check out Part 2a, and then come back for the show.
Let me drop a copy of the Summary here, as that is out blueprint for the up coming point buy.
"Jack Quinton, professionally known as Mr. Quin, is a mechanical genius, and once a major designer for [mega-corp name redacted], before in a moment of foolishness he backed the wrong horse in an intra corporate power play, that not only left him out of work, but with a mark on his head. So, like many persons of talent, too useful to murder, but too dangerous for society, he now makes a living on the Fringe, as a designer/fabricator of useful thing, and when necessary a mercenary.
Along with the loss of status, came a loss of youthful naivety, and Quin now watches the intrigues of the major players like a krill harvester watches the sky for danger and opportunity, or maybe like a big stakes gambler: looking for danger and opportunity.
While a man of questionable ethics on the grand scale, he has a lot of feeling on the small scale and does what he can to make the life of other Fringers, less onerous, while at the same time taking every chance can to get small digs back at the man who cost him his old life. If offered a chance tomorrow to return to the archology and be nested back in the bosom of [mega-corp name redacted], he would like to think he would tell them to go to hell, but considering that luxury today, is a block of pressed krill that has been certified by the Food Safety Board, he isn't sure he could resist. Not that it matters anyway. Nobody gets off the Fringe."
I decided this character would take the 70 point option. Lets jump right in.
Because we are staying close to the rules our list of attributes are: Strength, Agility, Reflex, IQ, Intuition, Will Power, and Toughness. Attributes cost
Mr. Quin was a corporate engineer, so I don't see him being extremely beefy. He is more of a tools man that an Adonis body.
Strength: Average: 5 points/65
I am inclined to say the same for his Agility. He will rarely personally be crawling through duct work. That is what spider drones are for.
Agility: Average: 5 points/60
As a designer of drones, and more importantly a pilot of drones I can see Mr. Quin standing out a bit more at his twitch speed, so lets make that.
Reflex: High: 15 Points/45
We know from the Summary that Mr. Quin is damn smart. But is he all around smart or just smart in his field? Well points be damned!
IQ: Exceptional: 20/25
That just leaves us 25 points for Intuition and Willpower, and we haven't even got to skills yet.
Intuition is all about perception, and again he can build drones with sensor arrays. Nothing can replace Willpower though.
Intuition: Average: 5/20
Willpower: High: 15/5
Toughness is a derived Ability Score that falls between the average of Strength and Willpower, which comes out to be 10.
Toughness: Above Average (no cost)
This leaves 5 points to invest in all his other abilities. We will need to build that up with some Weakness, but for now lets keep on trucking to...
If you recall Abilities are skills, powers, and talents that aren't Attributes, or Strengths. We covered the Attributes above. Strengths are bonuses that are not always active. Abilities are like a skill or a trait that is always available.
The summary points to him being a designer of drones and vehicles. So lets start there.
Drone/Vehicle Design: Exceptional 20/-15
With parts available, maybe even salvaged, Mr. Quin can do exceptional things in a work shop, but what about out in the world. Well he better be pretty good at it or he isn't going to last long out in the Fringe, so...
Remote Drive: High 15/-30
Now we have to ask ourselves how does he get all those wonderful toys. When Jack Quinton worked for [mega-corp name redacted] he had access to stock parts and sophisticated fabricators. As Mr. Quin he has to make due with what he can find in junk yards and renting time on fabricators from other people who maybe less than savory. The later is probably best expressed as a Strength, but his ability to scrounge salvage is inherent, and should be pretty good at least, so lets set
Scrounge Parts: Above Average: 10/-40
He probably has other skills as well, but we can worry about them some other time (say when he gains some advancement). What is left for now is
Strengths and Weaknesses
What Mr. Quin can't buy he will have to purchase, from a dealer in stock or from somebody with access to a fabricator. He needs some contacts, and those contacts need to be pretty good. Since we know he can't afford to buy the parts (hard to get a bank lone as a legal non entity) that leaves him going to some pretty sketchy people and asking for some very expensive things. Though is high IQ will help him smooth the way, Mr. Quin will need a Fixer to arrange the exchange of Quin's talents for cold hard cash, and maybe an industrial fabrication unit. As this is an absolutely vital part of his life we aren't going to skimp here.
Strength: Fixer: Mr. J. : Exceptional: 20/-60
Now Mr. Quin needs to pay back that -60 build points. Looking back at his Summary, a few things stand out. He is something of a Robinhood in his community, using his talents to help his less criminally gifted neighbors. He is a little obsessed with revenge against [name redacted] whom he feels is responsible for his downfall, and he desperately misses a life of luxury that he on some level still believes he deserves. Lastly nobody lives out in the Fringe unless the have no other choice. Lets see how those thing shake out as Weaknesses.
Jack's biggest block for a comeback is that he was a corporate citizen, and his old life has literally been deleted. That means he can't have a bank account, he can't rent a legal residence, and he instantly is considered vagrant with no rights when he goes back to [Location name Redacted]. This is a huge stumbling block for a man who needs a lot of spare parts for a lot of little, and not so little, gadgets, and food too I guess.
Weakness: Legal nonentity: +20 points/-40
A smaller but still substantial problem is he has poor impulse control when offered any glitter or glam that reminds him of his old life.
Weakness: Addicted to Luxury: +10 points/-30
Riffing on that particular problem may have lead to making some poor business decisions when he first hit the Fringe, so he is probably pretty far in the hole to people who don't say please.
Weakness: Owes [name of criminal family very redacted] a lot of money: +15 points/-15
There are two elements left to define (and pay back that -15 points). Those are his weakness to a sob story, and his burning need for revenge. Of the two I believe
Weakness: Tender hearted: +5 points/-10
Weakness: Thirst for Revenge: +10 Points/0
Notes is where you put character details. I will sneak back and fill this out when I get to know Mr. Quin a bit better.
Ok, we now have a character. In the next installment we will start to figure out what to do with him!
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