This is a continuation of the sub-lists for the Eberron Campaign setting, started in part 1. For the whys and wherefores follow the link above.
Classes (including NPC Classes) (Eberron is supposed to have everything from D&D 3.5 in it. Well in this class list I tried to take them at their word. Sorry to have to use an irregular format, but it was the only way to fit everything in I will try to come back and give some insight on where the exotic classes can be found in Eberron.)
Link to Classes D20 SRD Classes
1, Aristocrat
2. Adept
3. Mage Wright
4. Commoner
5. Expert
6. Artificer
7. Barbarian
8. Bard
9. Cleric
10. Druid
11. Fighter
12. Monk
1. Paladin
2. Ranger
3. Rogue
4 Sorcerer
5. Wizard
6. Psion
7. Psychic Warrior
8. Soulknife
9. Wilder
10. Psychic Rogue
11. Ninja
12. Scout
1. Spellthief
2. Warlock
3. Wu Jen
4. Shugenja
5. Spirit Shaman
6. Ardent
7. Divine Mind
8. Erudite
9. Lurk
10. Hexblad
11. Samurai
12. Swashbuckler
1. Dragonfire Adept
2. Factotum
3. Archivist
4. Dread Necromancer
5. Incarnate
6. Soulborn
7. Totemist
8. Favored Soul
9. Healer
10. Marshal
11. Warmage
12. Shaman
1. Sohei
2. Beguiler
3. Dragon Shaman
4. Duskblade
5. Knight
6. Crusader
7. Swordsage
8. Warblade
9. Binder
10. Shadowcaster
11. Truenamer
12. Re-roll or pick
1-2. Aurum
3-4. The Blood of Vol
5-6. The Chamber
7-8. The Dreaming Dark
9-0. The Library of Korranburg
1-2. The Lords of Dust
3-4. Order of the Emerald Claw
5-6. The Twelve
7-8. The Wayfinders Foundation
9-0. The Church of the Silver Flame
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