When I solo play in a preestablished setting I want the feeling of that setting to really shine. I mostly use Mythic GM Emulator 2 for my stand in GM. Two important elements in using MGME2 are Character Lists and Threads (plots) Lists
The one thing that delightful system lacks, is a dedicated lists for setting elements. Because I have been noodling around in the Eberron campaign setting for the last few months of solo play, I have built up a master list for the setting and a ton of sub-lists that it refers to. As I have had a few requests for those list I am going to drop them here. This is hardly comprehensive for a 288 page book, but I feel it adds spice that differentiates this setting from a more generic setting.
The way I use these lists is two fold. First, I roll three elements from them at the beginning of an adventure arc to insure that the game unfolding will have a Eberron flavor. I make sure in the first three scenes that all of the elements show up in some form.
Next I have an entry in both the Threads list and the Character list of "Setting Elements Table". This allows for a random introduction of some aspect setting to spring in unexpectedly.
Enough explanation, on to the Lists.
Master List
1-2. Sapient Humanoid Species*
3-4. Classes*
5-6. Magic Common
7-8. The Five Kingdoms
9-0. The New Nations
1-2. The Monster Nations
3-4. Beyond Khovaire
5-6. History
7-8. Factions*
9-0. Magic, Unique*
1-2. Monsters
3-4. Religions
5-6. Dragon Marked Houses
7-8. Dragon Shards
9-0. Conveyances (seems weird but it one of the coolest parts of Eberron)
Many of the sub-lists (Like the Five Kingdoms) have sub-lists of their own (details of a specific kingdom). So this little side project may take a while. I am going to mark the major topics with an " * " to denote I have done them, so I am not getting redundant.
Sapient Humanoid Species
1-2. Humans
3-4. Changelings
5-6. Dwarves
7-8. Elves
9-0. Gnomes
1-2. Half-elves
3-4. Half-orcs
5-6. Halflings
7-8. Kalishtar
9-0. Shifters
1-2. Orcs
3-4. Goblins
5-6. Hobgoblins
7-8. Bugbears
9-0. Warforged (close enough)
1-2. Gnolls
3-4. Lizard Folk
Unique Magics of Eberron
1-2. Artificing
3-4. Dragon Marks
5-6. Dragon Shard Items
7-8. Draconic Prophecies
9-0. Elemental Binding
1-2. Daelkyr Corruption Magic
3-4. Dragon Totem Rituals
5-6. Positive Energy Necromancy
7-8. Mage breed Animals
9-0. Kunderack Deposit Boxes
1-2. Schema
3-4. House Sivis Speaking Stones
I don't want this page to get to crowded, so I am going to split up the sub-lists over several posts.
Pg. 2: Classes and Factions
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