Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wizard Dad: Things to come

There are two things on this blog's horizon. The first is finishing the demo on how to use a prefab Adventure Crafter setting in your solo game, and creating more of such content. The second, which excites me as much as much at the first is the remodeling of my old setting Voyage of the Yggdrasal to a solo game experience. 

If you scroll way down into my older works you will see a ton of game notes for a rather ambitious campaign I ran PbP. It is a wide ranging Stars Without Numbers game set in an ancient but massive space craft, which in itself is part mega dungeon and part living city. The Yggdrasil is full of adventure, mutants, break away survivalist, mysterious authority figures and 10 massive levels of ScFi goodness. 

A dear friend of mine has encouraged me just to write it and not worry about who reads it and what they take from it. For once I am going to take his good advice and do just that, but I will also attempt in the process to make chunks of it available to the solo community. I will be the author and test player, but the adventures that are made along the way will be rewritten and presented to you readers as gameable material.

If I haven't said it before, thanks for reading, or even skimming the articles I write. Just seeing someone has visited a page makes me happy as a lark. 

If anyone has suggestions for an article please drop them in the comments. 

Good Gaming to all


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