Saturday, June 29, 2024

Wizard Dad: Locations, Encounters, and Objects that can found in an abandoned space station.

I am working on a somewhat complicated blog article about steering randomly created locations back to active threads (beyond what the heck is in this bloody dangerous place). Because I am trying out some new techniques and house rules it is going to take a while to complete it.

In the mean time I am feeling that draw I get every summer in Florida to get as far away as possible from Florida, at least in my brain, so I am going to be doing a lot of my adventuring in space (if you are interested in how that works out check out my Voyage of the Yggdrasil articles).

So, as a touch of filler so this blog isn't dead air, I present you with 3 lists (locations, encounters, and objects) that can be found in a seemingly abandoned space station. 

Though, I would use this with Location Crafter, it should have some small use to any game in which a salvage team in space suits rolls up on what looks like an untapped gold mine of spare parts, environmental hazards, and bad ideas.

Hook: Your ship arrives in a more vacant avenue of a mostly empty solar system only to pick up an automated distress call, that leads to seemingly abandoned space station. Suit up, because it seems the life support is off line.

  1. Escape pod entry bay. (Has the pod been launched? Is there anything in the supply locker?)
  2. A medical suit, with an Virtual Intelligence Nurse. (Has it been ransacked?, is the VI Nurse still sane or has it went a bit off?)
  3. A hologram entertainment room. (what was the last simulation it was dial to?)
  4. A shuttle bay. (Is the shuttle still there? If it is, are there clues as to why?)
  5. Scientific R&D room with a sealed door. (Can it be jury rigged to open or forced open? What is concealed behind it, pay data, or a deadly specimen)
  6. A guard station and armory. (Does it need an access code? Is it booby trapped?)
  7. Control Center. (Is it damaged? What where the last entries in the log?)
  8. Engineering room. (Is the Maker Box still functional? Are three empty spots in the tool locker? If so what do you expect to see there that is missing?
  9. Captain's quarters? (Have they been ransacked? Does the captain keep a personal diary? If so what are the last entries?)
  10. Life Support control room. (Is the life support damaged or was it taken off line?)
  1. Its a trap! (what is the trap effect? Is it meant to incapacitate a human or is it made for some other sort of target.
  2. Service Android? (is it online, is it sane, does it attack?)
  3. Babbling crew member (Why are they here when the station seems abandoned.? Why are they alive with no life support?)
  4. Ship AI (Is it cooperative? Does it want to help but can't because you  aren't members of the crew? What were its last orders?)
  5. Non human entity. (Is it hostile? Is it a pet? Is it carrying some horrible space disease?)
  6. Service Bot? (Is it still trying to do its job? Does it think that the PCs are trash that need to be removed? If its memory is accessed what is recorded on it?)
  7. Security Bot? (Does it shoot first? Does it question the party? Does it use lethal force?)
  8. VI Hologram? (What is its function, what  how smart is it? Doe it think the party is part of the station's crew?)
  9. Vacuum suit. (Why is it here?  Is it damaged? Is it better than the one you own?)
  10. Meta tool with a cracked output screen. (how recently was it last used? What tool is it set to emulate? does it have blood on it?
  1. Cryogenics Chamber? (are they occupied? Is it a crew member? Is it something much more exotic?)
  2. Graffiti sprayed on wall (Does it make sense? Is it artistic? is it cryptic?)
  3. One more dead bodies. (Is how they died apparent. Were they crew members? Are they still dangerous?)
  4. A data pad. (is it broken. Is it password locked. Is its battery dead? What was the last thing that it was used to access/look up?)
  5. A jury-rigged weapon. (What was it built from? what is its function?)
  6. An open equipment locker (Is it ransacked? What is left in it? What would you expect to see that is missing?)
  7. Emergency Rations (have they been opened? What flavor are they? Why are they in this location?)
  8. A cache of universal batteries? (Are they a trap? Do they have charge left? is there an object near them that needs a battery?)
  9. A deactivated drone. (What is its model and function? Is it turned off or damaged? Does it have an onboard memory device?)
  10. A collection of hyper tech medicines? (Damage repair nanites? Hyper antibiotics designed to cure you of anything short if cancer? Stim patches that allow the ignoring of wounds or pain?)

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