Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mythic Locations 2: A Walk in the Forest

Continuing the series of drop in and play locations, today we are visiting an Ancient Forest. This will be a setting template, so you, and the context of your game, will be the final word on what is found. The rules set that is used to design this adventure can be found in Mythic Magazine Vol. 5, pg. 12 ($4.95).

There are three types of Woods described in this article: Dark Woods, Ancient Woods, and Horror Woods. Today we are exploring an Ancient Wood. 

If your context doesn't already inform it, roll twice on the Woods Story Descriptors Table. Or conversely you can just pick a couple of elements that fit with the context of your game. You can even split the difference and add one from your context and roll one to add a touch of surprise. 

Next, roll twice on the Woods Region Descriptors Table. If you want to add more depth of description, you can reroll on this table when you enter a new region within the wood to keep churning out variations on the original theme. I leave that up to you. 

Now, you should prepare your lists if you have pre-existing context for any Locations, Encounters, or Objects. (A sample list is given below). This would be heavily dependent on the context of your adventure going in, and any inspirations you may have been given by the Woods Story Descriptions you rolled. 

Examples of locations could be fairy rings, animal dens, caves found in gnarled roots, etc.
Examples of Encounters could be talking beast, fairy creatures, mythic creatures, hermits in the woods, and the like.
Examples of objects could be rare herbs, magic pools, the long dead remains of a former explorer, or an out of place object, like a sword thrust into a tree trunk.

As I said let the context of your world and your imagination flow while filling out the lists. 
A useful tool to grab at this point would be a copy of  The randomized Location Crafter Known Elements Region Sheet Form Fillable PDF.

So with no further ado, lets take a walk into an Ancient Forest. 

  1. Area: Connection to Area 2 Loose collection of trees
    1. Location: Expected
    2. Encounter: None
    3. Objects: None
  2. Area: Connection to Area 3 Loose collection of trees
    1. Location: Expected
    2. Encounter: Random (Angry, Peaceful)
    3. Objects: Random (Moving, Garbage)
  3. Area: Connection to Area 4 Loose collection of trees
    1. Location: Expected
    2. Encounter: None
    3. Object: Random (Important, Desired)
  4. Area: Area 4 leads directly to Area 5
    1. Location: Expected
    2. Encounter: None
    3. Object: Random (Warm, Weapon)
  5. Area: Area 5 leads directly to Area 6
    1. Location: Special (Known and Random- Ornate, Resourceful)
    2. Encounter: None
    3. Object: Expected
  6. Area: Connection to Area 7 Loose collection of trees
    1. Location: Known or Random (Threatening, Primitive)
    2. Encounter: Expected
    3. Object: Known or Random (Watery, Useless)
  7. Area: Connection to Area 8 Loose Collection of Trees
    1. Location: Random (Simple, Harmful)
    2. Encounter: Expected
    3. Object: Expected
  8. Area: Connection to land beyond Forrest Natural path through the trees
    1. Location: Complete
    2. Encounter: Expected
    3. Object: Random (Active, Fuel)

Now what is above doesn't give us a lot to work with. Lets spice things up a bit. Below are three lists to prime your imagination:  locations, encounters, and objects. If you already have your own ideas pluck a few of these out and add your own. This game should always represent your character's adventure.

Locations that may be found in an Ancient Forest
  1. A shrine to a nature deity or spirit.
  2. A large tree in a clearing with poppets, in various stages of decay on its  branches.
  3. A bridge over a small black stream.
  4. A clearing with an ancient fountain.
  5. A very large dark hole at the base of a massive tree.
  6. A single cottage
  7. An abandoned hamlet
  8. a glade of brightly colored flowers.
  9. A large clearing full of empty market stalls build on a 2/3 scale.
  10. A huge nest.
Encounters that may be found in an Ancient Forest
  1. A large rock that rolls after the character at a distance of about 9 feet, but stops when looked at.
  2. Paths that lead time and again back to the same glade.
  3. A troupe of elves or fairies, majestically or noisily proceeding.
  4. A gnome or goblin merchant or tinker.
  5. A group of animals having a discussion, either in common speech or in animal noises.
  6. Herb or wood gatherers of any species.
  7. Hunters of any species.
  8. Genius Loci.
  9. A lost person or lost soul.
  10. A living oracle (animal, humanoid, or something very strange).
Objects that may be found in an Ancient Forest
  1. A sword thrust into a stump, stone or sticking out of a pond.
  2. Magical waters from a small pool (enough for several flasks) that have potion or poison like qualities.
  3. Clearly enchanted mushrooms of unknown prospect.
  4. A tree with leaves of gold, copper, or silver (real or illusory).
  5. A large rock covered in runes that if thrown will fly back to the thrower afterwards (possibly hitting them).
  6. A strange or spooky doll in a path way or intersection.
  7. A picnic basket with unknown properties or contents.
  8. Badly ripped and bloodied garments.
  9. An egg in a low hanging next that shimmers like an opal.
  10. The body of a trapper that has been strangled with a foxes tail fashioned into a cord.

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