Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wizard Dad: On the Horizon

So, life has been a bit hectic lately and that has impacted my blogging schedule, but that doesn't mean I don't have a few irons in the fire.

For Word Mill and Location Crafter fans I am working on some plug and play adventure settings. Just enough information to make them easy to play, and set up to slide into any genre appropriate campaign.

For the more general solo RPG, I am brainstorming some solutions to a common problem for solo players, fondly remembered and sadly abandoned campaigns. This specific topic is near and dear to me. I have a bit of a short attention span when a new idea comes down the line, but I have files full of fun that are begging me to come back. So, I will be working on some techniques to shock some life back into those games. 

Goal is to have one of these articles out for you to enjoy or maybe use as inspiration of your own by the end of the weekend. 

Thanks for your patients


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