Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wizard Dad's Workshop: Recursion for the Strange "Beyond the Gate"

There are a lot of game designers I respect for the scope of their creative vision. Kevin Crawford and his Sine Nomine products are near the top of the list for absolute favorites. I love Gavin Norman's take on B/X D&D with his Necrotic Gnome products, and the folks at Chaosium have made a slue of good games.

If I were to list my favorite game system though it would be the Cypher System by Monte Cook Games. 

Not only do I enjoy playing it, but I enjoyed running it quite a bit and now I play it solo as well. (Here is a link to some of the hacks I use to play it solo Cypher System Solo Hacks). 

The core Cypher System is setting agnostic, but they have a number of fully realized settings, one of which is The Strange.

The Strange is a dimension hopping game where PCs have the power to move from one pocket dimension to another. Most of these are created from fictions, myths, urban legends and the like. It is called fictional leakage. 

Both the core book and its supplement Worlds Numberless and Strange contain a number of recursions (alt dimensions) for a PC to explore and find adventure. 

I humble offer another, which I am solo playing in now. The link below will take you to the living document for that Recursion, when it is fully finished I will publish it here.

Keeping it Strange for you,

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