Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Wizard Dad's Workshop: Grimmly Keep

You don’t know what big is until you have visited Grimmly Keep, the hereditary seat of the Kingdom of the Ogres. This enormous city sprawls from  the rocky hills that surround its massive size (about 24 miles or 39 km) all the way to the misty edge of the recursion. In parts, the city climbs up those hills, which make a natural defensive barrier, but the most important locations are to be found in its bowl like center. Here the huge buildings, can be 3 to 5 stories high, and each story is easily 30 feet (9 meters) height. 

In the far most northern section of the city, where an impregnable castle can be found, it actually builds into the misty border surrounding the Good Kingdom. This is the home of the current Ogre King Chammbar the Younger. Due to the mist that surround the castle, it is impossible to tell its full size, but it is claimed to to be at least 6 stories, easily making it the largest single structure in the Good Kingdom.

The rest of the city is a cold and dreary place of wide roads, cruel winds, and slippery stairs. Ogres rarely make use of draft animals, or even carts, so there are many steep stairways that impair the movement of most smaller folk.

Many ogres are incredible stone masons, so the various buildings are frequently connected by high arching, and rail-less, bridges.

Ogres are not over fond of one another’s company, so most citizens can be found in ones or twos, at most. Because of this, there are very few open markets and courtyards, which creates a feeling of a cramped labyrinth space, despite the overwhelming scale.

Other populations of fae can all be found living in small communities on the outskirts of the city. Though dreary, people have their reasons for residing there. One such reason is that there is very little in the way policing in Grimmly Keep, as Ogres are known to sort out their own problems in a more hands on manner. 

Near Grimmly Castle the King’s Elite body guards, which number around 20, take some effort to maintain a sort of order. In the fairy, goblin, and elf districts they have their own unofficial peace keepers. This doesn’t bother the ogres. The less they have to deal with problems from the “tiny” folk, the more satisfied they are.

Ogres, though not especially social, do have business, and shops, much like those found in other cities. There are even some ogre feasting halls and bars, but most frequently an ogre will meet their small friend groups in homes or at the Great Arena.

The Great Arena

The Great Arena is the exception to an ogre’s self inflicted solitude. Situated in the center of the city, it is a magnificent stone colosseum. Here on festival days, seemingly decided on whim, athletic and gladiatorial exhibitions are held. The admission varies nearly as much as the games, with the cheap seats up front frighteningly near the action, and the Kings box high above it all.

Word of the games goes out one or two days before an exhibition. Most of the participants are volunteers or professional athletes. Rarely, a condemned fae or even human has to face the trials of the arena, but these are considered the warm up to the true entertainment that follows.

Despite the ogre’s reputation for brutishness, it is rare that even a criminal has to face an overwhelming challenge. If a criminal pleases the king with his efforts he will be pardoned, and then banished, but with a 100 crown purse to see him on his way. Fairy healers are kept at hand to treat the injured, but if there are any deaths, the King honors the “hero” with a payment of gold to whomever he named before the exhibition.  


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