Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wizard Dad: A Blog Update.

I love talking about RPGs, and solo play in particular, but right now I have sort of run out of topics I am ready to chat about. It happens when I blog more than I play. Playing is where I run into things to talk about, so for a bit of time, maybe a couple weeks, I am going to be playing a lot to recharge the batteries for talking a lot.

I do have a few irons in the fire. I am reviewing two cyberpunk themed games, that I would like to look at from a solo angle. I am an avid fan of Monte Cook Games Cypher System, and want to discuss a few solo hacks for system, that include full single player play, and how to handle a troupe style game. Finally I would love to review a few good articles from Mythic Magazine, once I have had a chance to try out the systems that they present.

But, for now, if you are inclined to a bit of Space Noir,  enjoy the Voyage of the Yggdrasil. I will post a single organized, multi link index in a day or two.

If that isn't your cup of tea drop back in a week or so.

Thank you for your continued interest


I am also taking a break from other social media besides this blog to focus on reading and gaming (as chatting about game eats up a rather large amount of game time), so feel free to reach out to me here if you want to pick my brain about a topic.


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