Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Faces and Places

What we are working on here is essentially a sandbox setting. So we will need things to go into the sandbox. We will discover a lot of people, places, organizations, etc. as we play, Mythic is excellent for providing new characters and obstacles. Still, in our Fate game we need a few bits and pieces for every character from the onset. 

Looking back at the phantom player's interest for this game we see Player 1 wants to focus on making plans, and making money. Well plan making could be helped along if we had a couple of well informed people to go to. We will need a couple of well informed NPCs for that character to have a relationship with. Likewise, unless these plans generate their own cash flow, he will probably need at least one person to sell things to. 

Player 2 wants challenges to over come. This could be as simple as a gang rivalry he is part of (and I think that would be a good addition), but how about a place that could provide rough and tumble adventure.  I am thinking that there is a zone in the very center industrial space in which those that have gone to feral are exiled. 

Player 3 has a mystery to unravel. Firstly, he doesn't exactly know how he was infected, and he needs to unravel this mystery to get his revenge. That makes experts on the illness, such as the doctors and scientist at Project Remission, of interest to him. We also have to keep in mind the players other interest, Transform. I read this two ways. A concern about growing more feral, and an urge to make the most of his life before the illness robs him of his humanity. So, in addition to Project Remission we will need people he can interact with. I see this as a great way to insert people who are just trying to make a living in this desperate place. Maybe a community gathering point, like a make shift diner, and the people who populate it. 

Now is a good time to list out all of these Faces and Places before they are lost in the sea of words.


  • A fence/fixer (information and receiving stolen goods)
  • A pedicab driver who likes to talk, with a little incentive.
  • A violent gang that is pushing into the relative calm of this community.
  • The Exile Zone
  • A doctor and a scientist from Project Remission (which I believe will have its most important station near the PCs neighborhood.
  • The Come As You Are all night dinner (including several regulars, the owner-cook-bouncer, and a waitress).
Deciding to put the PCs in an area of relative calm means we also need the peace keepers. I see this as two fold. There are police from the city who have the job of protecting the clinic/lab, and on the edge of the zone there are a couple small gangs that have a truce, but work together to keep other gangs, especially more violent gangs, out. We will need at least one police sergeant who is permanently stationed here, and a few gang members who are have some feeling of responsibility to their neighborhood, but who still may not be very nice people.

  • Police Sergeant
  • A gang member from each of the local gang factions.
Knowing we need all of these places and characters is enough for now. We can use the tools available in Mythic GME2 to fill out the details as we run into them, that way there is maximum surprise as we play. 

The next step, is detailing is making Characters for Players 1-3, and of course our own solo character. Since we are sticking to Fate all of them will play important parts in the primary characters back story during the Phase Trio.


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